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A job

Hello everyone ;) I hope you are okay.
Today I write to you to talk about a job, but my future job, and this one will be as geographer, I want to job as one trying to do my best applying all things that I will learned, but I know that could be hard, and I think before a stablish job I must start with some casual jobs.
Currently I never been on a job, and I am not proud with it, and I want to find a job on summer.
My current occupation is as a student, and this is really fine and funny, I have a flexible schedule.
I never thought on it in my life but I don’t want become saturate thinking on it. In the past, I had some experiences about think many somethings, but it is very bad because you do some expectations, and doing it, you could be disappointed.
On academia, I would like to contribute with some theory or anything because I thing this times we are starting new changes and we need new method, but this are my aspiration.
Writing again about the job, I would like job on a public institution on first place than private. In addition, a crazy idea that I have is do a job by myself, have a little farm, my own animals and take care of them.
PS: The first animal that I will have is a dog, and the second will be a sheep; and the first plant will be a lemon tree.


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