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Mostrando las entradas de 2018


Here on Latin-American, on December we have the warm station. Now we are living it, so let’s talk about December. December is a good month to me, is the finish of the spring and the beginning of the summer, related to this starts the holidays too, and the final events to add, are the festivities of Christmas and the end of the year For me had other mean, December to me is the month of my birthday. Related with that is time to know myself and remember what I did and if I change in the past year. Actually not all of this month is happiness, in this month is when I lose many friends, for too many reasons but principally because they leave the school or the academic year. In addition, thinking on just mentioned letters, is because the majority of my friendship on the year were relate to an academic issue. However, always you keep one friend passing the years, and lose all my friendship is not a worry to me. The end of one friendship is the beginning of other one and is a complete o


Hello, everyone I hope you are well Today I come to you to talk about a sport that I like. Currently I don't practice any sport with frequency, and my physical activity is very low. But I want to try practice swim with my friends, is a good sport to do on summer because you can be fresh on heated days, many muscles start to work and is disciplined sport. In the last two months, I went to swim around 4 times and noticed that I had a low level swimming and I have to learn how to swim step by step to do better performance. I like other sports too, too much of them are with ball, like football, volleyball and basquetball principally. However, these ones are likes, I do not practice them currently, as well as I am bad players on these sports, even I do not know how to play these sports (specifically I do not know the rules to play them). My expectative is practice something because I get bored some times and I am turning to be unhealthy on my foods, so I need to do some phy


About drawings and paints I have some difficulties to choose one of both, I like the draws because a line represent expression and how was drawn is a style that the author chose to do, have a complexity to be interpretable of too many ways. And, on the other hand, the paint have a lot of combination of colours or too many things that you can’t represent with a brush-stroke, this can represent intensity or style of paint. With both techniques you can get two different results of a same object, or theme, with them own complexity. Currently I prefer the drawings because the form and each lines have an importance, I like specially the black and white drawing and illustration. I like a lot the style of manga draws and the illustration related with it. But the paint illustration are good too, even better because you have more element with work, but how I said before, I prefer the draws because with a few quantities of elements you can do great thing. An illustration that I like are

A job

Hello everyone ;) I hope you are okay. Today I write to you to talk about a job, but my future job, and this one will be as geographer, I want to job as one trying to do my best applying all things that I will learned, but I know that could be hard, and I think before a stablish job I must start with some casual jobs. Currently I never been on a job, and I am not proud with it, and I want to find a job on summer. My current occupation is as a student, and this is really fine and funny, I have a flexible schedule. I never thought on it in my life but I don’t want become saturate thinking on it. In the past, I had some experiences about think many somethings, but it is very bad because you do some expectations, and doing it, you could be disappointed. On academia, I would like to contribute with some theory or anything because I thing this times we are starting new changes and we need new method, but this are my aspiration. Writing again about the job, I would like job on a

My friends

Hi everyone, nice to see you. I must to say that actually I have a few number of friends, I considerate me as a good partner, but with few friends. In my first grade of Secondary, I felt so comfortable with my group, they was crazy, those times were very funny’s and loudly. I have good memories for these times. I was so irresponsible in my assignments in this epoch. Was my worst academic year, but in consequence, the most fun. Currently I don’t speak with them, when they post some photos I leave a comment or something like that but in too much times we didn’t talk, even chat. In the next years the group gets dissolve, each one choose his own way, and some of them change of school. I started to do new friends. In the followed years was more hard to me make new friendships, I met with classmates but we didn’t become friends, but how us share some subjects some likes and games on common, make a temporally friendship. In the last year of my secondary, I met with my current best

The art

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy the weekly vlog. From my perspective, the most searched artist are the singers, the bands or any kind of aggrupation related with the music world. In my case this happen too XD. My favorite music genre is Rap, I think it have a lot of content on its letter, is not about how you sing (generally) is about what you tell a song and the issue. However, my favorite rap group is Adickta Sinfonía. They are a Chilean group of rap and hip-hop, they started to sing rap around at 2000, but I discovered them just 5 years ago. This group is some popular and them songs too, so was relatively easy too discovered them. However, actually, I cannot choose a favorite artist to be honest, I like the movies too and on it we found actors, and sometimes I read manga that are draw by mangaca, but the most frequent artist works is the music. Even I cannot choose a favorite group, because I have many rappers and group of rap that I current listen, some of them are Hordat

Building and his around

Hello everyone, i hope you are enjoying my blogs :) Today I will wrote about a building, but with more emphasize on the spaces around of them. I must to say you that I don't knew too much places and buildings on Chile, I know more on Santiago because I live in Santiago, specifically in Maipú. But anyway, the building that I really like on Santiago are not definite for the structure of them, is more for that place-building mean to me. The first place that I memory are the shopping centers of Plaza Maipú, is not for the purchases that I did there, is just because my family and me spend a lot of time there, we currently go for this places to shopping or anything. I had very good memories of this place and the median street of the “5 de Abril” Street. The other buildings that I like are all my academic institutions that I passed, like my old School (that today doesn’t exist) named “Kronberg College”, my secondary school “Liceo de Aplicación” and the current one Universidad d

Something I am learning

Hello every one of you, well… I am a student so my lifestyle is learn about some subjects that actually I don’t know them, even if I don’t want but it’s a thing that happen to everyone that choose the university to keep going studying. Okay, about the topic, I am learning to have a list of things to do and follow it (to do list). This is a list where I must register all things that I must to do, adding the date when the period is finished. It is something common to do but I never done one, I think this will help me to order my times to study if I have a test or write a report. Actually, I lose too much time playing, watching videos and reading manga, even doing my homework I spend a lot of time to do it, and I thing that I can do it spending less time. I started to follow this just yesterday XD, so this is something that I expect to my future, being honest I don’t know if I can do it for a long time, but I have nothing to lose trying it. I have other thing that I want to learn

The Passion

  Something about me feel passion. I really do not know if I have something that actually make me feel passion. My daily activities are so regular, typical for a student life, but obviously, I do other activities in my life, but that activities are common too. On generally, I like go to the cinema, the genre that I most viewed on TV an cinema is the comedy, familiar movies and fiction science. Other activities that I do, is take some walks, sometimes with a far extension causing an extended travel to my house, I like this because it is a time to think on me, and make me reflection on what space I live, and how many times I ignored the places that I passing every day, think in the beauty conceptions. Even sometimes, I have moments to reflect of the art, the music, the draws, the graffiti’s, the dance, the circus or any theme related whit it. I think this activities not cause me passion to do them, but I really enjoy it when I did this in some occasion, with a low frequency be

Fiestas Patrias

Hello everyone, I hope that you are fine all of you and this semester go well too. Today i will told you what i do on "Fiestas Patrias" One week ago on Chile, we were celebrating the independence of Chile from the Spain crown, specifically the first national met of government that was the first step (supposedly), to get the independence. However, on this week I did nothing more than eat the typical food of this period Roast meat, empanadas and choripan. I didn’t go to shows or some “fonda”, because was so expensive to me. I was on my house almost all of week and on father’s house one day. That was the most boring “fiestas patrias” that I never had and the longest