About drawings and paints I have some difficulties to choose one of both, I like the draws because a line represent expression and how was drawn is a style that the author chose to do, have a complexity to be interpretable of too many ways. And, on the other hand, the paint have a lot of combination of colours or too many things that you can’t represent with a brush-stroke, this can represent intensity or style of paint. With both techniques you can get two different results of a same object, or theme, with them own complexity. Currently I prefer the drawings because the form and each lines have an importance, I like specially the black and white drawing and illustration. I like a lot the style of manga draws and the illustration related with it. But the paint illustration are good too, even better because you have more element with work, but how I said before, I prefer the draws because with a few quantities of elements you can do great thing. An illustration that I like are ...