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Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2018


Here on Latin-American, on December we have the warm station. Now we are living it, so let’s talk about December. December is a good month to me, is the finish of the spring and the beginning of the summer, related to this starts the holidays too, and the final events to add, are the festivities of Christmas and the end of the year For me had other mean, December to me is the month of my birthday. Related with that is time to know myself and remember what I did and if I change in the past year. Actually not all of this month is happiness, in this month is when I lose many friends, for too many reasons but principally because they leave the school or the academic year. In addition, thinking on just mentioned letters, is because the majority of my friendship on the year were relate to an academic issue. However, always you keep one friend passing the years, and lose all my friendship is not a worry to me. The end of one friendship is the beginning of other one and is a complete o


Hello, everyone I hope you are well Today I come to you to talk about a sport that I like. Currently I don't practice any sport with frequency, and my physical activity is very low. But I want to try practice swim with my friends, is a good sport to do on summer because you can be fresh on heated days, many muscles start to work and is disciplined sport. In the last two months, I went to swim around 4 times and noticed that I had a low level swimming and I have to learn how to swim step by step to do better performance. I like other sports too, too much of them are with ball, like football, volleyball and basquetball principally. However, these ones are likes, I do not practice them currently, as well as I am bad players on these sports, even I do not know how to play these sports (specifically I do not know the rules to play them). My expectative is practice something because I get bored some times and I am turning to be unhealthy on my foods, so I need to do some phy